Big Bully Sarah Barracuda Supports the Aerial Gunning of White Wolves...


Sarah Boop-dee-doo Barracuda sends her Todd a-hunting


Sarah Barracuda Sends Her Todd a-hunting

A hunting Todd will go, for Sarah he will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting he will go
A hunting he will go, a hunting he will go
He'll catch a fox and put him in a box
Ne'er to let him go

A hunting Todd will go, for Sarah he will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting he will go
A hunting he will go, a hunting he will go
He'll catch a fish and serve him on a dish
Ne'er to let him go

A hunting Todd will go, for Sarah he will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting he will go
A hunting he will go, a hunting he will go
He'll snare a bear and raid her lair
Ne'er to let them go

A hunting Todd will go, for Sarah he will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting he will go
A hunting he will go, a hunting he will go
He'll shoot a pig and pretend he's big
Ne'er to let him go

A hunting Todd will go, for Sarah he will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting he will go
A hunting he will go, a hunting he will go
He'll nab a giraffe and make him gag
Ne'er to let him go

A hunting Todd will go, for Sarah he will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting he will go
A hunting he will go, a hunting he will go
He'll gore a boar and make him roar
Ne'er to let him go


A flying Todd will go, for Sarah he will fly
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a flying he will go
A flying he will go, for Sarah he will fly
He will slaughter a wolf, make Sarah a coat
Ne'er to let her go

A running Sarah will do, for Johnny she will run
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a running she will do
A running she will do, for Johnny she will run
She will a gut a moose, play fast and loose
Never ever to tell the truth

A mighty fine Veep, we will never have seen
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a mighty fine Veep
A mighty fine Veep, we will never have seen
She will aim her gun, perhaps have some fun
With a little luck, blast Dick Cheney's bum

(Tweaked by The Snarkster and based on the traditional anonymous folksong/poem A Hunting We Will Go.)

Now let's get serious here...

How would YOU like to be hunted down from an airplane, with no where to go?

Whether you hunt or not, you should be aware that this is NOT a sport; a true sport involves a situation where the hunted has a possibility of escaping. This is not the case when the hunter has all the advantage, and the hunted has none. This is a blood bath.

Does picking off animals from an airplane REALLY show the world how big your balls (or boobs) are?

The following video clip is disturbing and difficult to watch; viewer discretion is advised:


Oilwellian says, "It's time to end this most despicable, barbaric act against the wolf. Enough!"

Aerial Wolf Gunning 101


By Samantha Henig

Posted on Slate (Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2008, at 6:38 PM ET)

Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska and John McCain's vice presidential pick, is an enthusiastic hunter who has proposed legislation and cash incentives to encourage aerial wolf gunning, the controversial practice of shooting wolves from an aircraft. Do people in Alaska really shoot wolves from planes?

Yes, but only with the government's permission. Aerial shooting yields better results than traditional hunting, since it allows the hunter to cover a lot of ground quickly and track target animals from a clear vantage point. Historically, hunters also used planes to drive animals—polar bears in Alaska and elk in Montana, among others—toward gunmen waiting on the ground. But many hunters found the practice unsportsmanlike, since it violates the "fair chase" ethic, and animal rights activists call it inhumane, since airborne gunmen rarely get a clean (i.e., relatively painless) kill. In response to concerns like these, Congress passed the Federal Airborne Hunting Act of 1972, which made it illegal for hunters to shoot animals from a plane or helicopter.

Read the rest of this article...

See another video featuring these beautiful animals...

Once again, A HUGE thanks to Diana Manister for bringing this issue and the Slate article to The Snarkster's attention.

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